2024-2025 Cultural Grants Program

This is a preview of the 2024-2025 Cultural Grants Application Form form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Aboriginal Affairs NSW 2024-2025 Cultural Grants Application Form

* indicates a required field.

The Aboriginal Affairs NSW Cultural Grants Program supports Aboriginal community organisations across NSW to celebrate traditional and contemporary Aboriginal culture and hold key cultural events and activities.

Applicants can apply for grants from $500 to $20,000.

Applicants are encouraged to review the program guidelines and FAQs.

Applications will be assessed in the order they are received.

Applications closes at 4 pm (AEDT) on 21 March 2025. Or if funds expended before this date/time.

Applicants are encouraged to contact their nearest Aboriginal Affairs NSW Regional Office to discuss their project.:

  • Batemans Bay                    02 9228 5575
  • Tamworth                            02 8575 1172
  • Coffs Harbour                     02 95668318
  • Broken Hill                          02 9228 3345
  • Bourke                                02 9228 3345
  • Dubbo                                 02 8575 1518
  • Newcastle                           02 9228 3402
  • Sydney                                02 8229 2389


Links to FAQs, Tips and Hints are available throughout the application form in SmartyGrants and a downloadable copy of the Help Guide for Applicants can be accessed from the home page of SmartyGrants.

If you need assistance using SmartyGrants or have any queries whilst completing your application, please contact your nearest Aboriginal Affairs office.

Remember to SAVE your application form regularly. 

Before completing this application form, you should have read the program guidelines.

Incomplete applications and/or late applications will not be considered.
This field is read only. 


Submission of application does not guarantee funding. Any costs associated with preparing this application are to be met by the applicant. 

Aboriginal Affairs NSW reserves the right to withdraw funding at any time, particularly if any information provided in the application is found to be false or the project does not comply with public health orders under section 7 of the Public Health Act 2010 (NSW). Applicants should read all relevant program information to be fully informed of requirements of the Aboriginal Affairs Cultural Grants Program.

Use of Information

By submitting this application form, the Applicant acknowledges and agrees that:

  • if this project application is successful, the relevant details of the project will be made public, including details such as the names of the organisation (Applicant) and any partnering organisation (state government agency or non-government organisation), project title, project description, location, anticipated time for completion and amount awarded;
  • the Department will use reasonable endeavours to ensure that any information received in or in respect of this application which is clearly marked ‘Commercial-in-confidence’ or ‘Confidential’ is treated as confidential, however, such documents will remain subject to the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (NSW) (GIPA Act); and
  • in some circumstances the Department may release information contained in this application form and other relevant information in relation to this application in response to a request lodged under the GIPA Act or otherwise as required or permitted by law.

Privacy Notice

Aboriginal Affairs NSW is requesting this information from you so that we can assess your application for the Cultural Grants Program as well as to generally administer the Program.

The person who makes an application that contains personal information is responsible for obtaining the consent of the person whom that information is about and making them aware of the content of this privacy notice.

Aboriginal Affairs NSW will not disclose your personal information to anybody else unless we are required to do so by law, for example if the information is needed in an emergency or for a law enforcement purpose. Information you provide may be provided where Aboriginal Affairs NSW is authorised or compelled to do so, for example, in response to an access request under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (NSW).

Providing us with the requested information is not required by law. However if you choose not to provide us with the requested information, we will not be in a position to consider the application further.

Any person may request access to their personal information that is held by Aboriginal Affairs NSW at any time. To access or update your personal information, or for more information on our privacy obligations, contact Aboriginal Affairs NSW.

Aboriginal Affairs NSW will handle and store your personal information in accordance with its Privacy Management Plan and the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW).

Should this project be successful, the following information may be made public: the name of the organisation (applicant), project title, project description, location of the project and the amount awarded to the project.

Eligibility Confirmation

To be eligible for an Aboriginal Affairs NSW 2024-2025 Cultural Grant, applicants must be an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Community Controlled, not-for-profit organisation working with Aboriginal communities in NSW and meet the eligibility criteria outlined in the program guidelines. 

Applicants that are eligible for funding are:

  • A not-for-profit, Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation (ACCO), working with Aboriginal communities in NSW, and one of the following organisation types
    • an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Corporation registered under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (Cth)
    • a company incorporated in Australia under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)
    • a Local Aboriginal Land Council (LALC) under the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 (NSW)
    • an Incorporated Association (incorporated under state legislation, and commonly have ‘Association’ or ‘Incorporated’ or ‘Inc’ in their legal name)
    • an Incorporated Cooperative (incorporated under state legislation, and commonly have ’Cooperative’ in their legal name)
    • an incorporated trustee on behalf of a trust; OR
  • An Aboriginal sole trader or business whose primary business activity relates to cultural expression or revitalisation (noting project applied for under Cultural Grant Program must not be profit making in nature); OR
  • An unincorporated Aboriginal community group with an eligible not-for-profit auspice organisation or their auspice organisation must also:
    • Be an eligible legal entity located in NSW, and able to enter into a funding Deed with Aboriginal Affairs NSW (AANSW), Premier’s Department and have an Australian bank account;
    • Have public liability insurance of at least $10 million per claim or be willing to purchase it and include the cost of insurance as part of the asked project budget within their application.
I confirm that the applicant and project is eligible according to the criteria outlined in the Program Guidelines * Required
Is your organisation * Required
Response required.

For profit (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Is your organisation" on page 1

To confirm eligibility, please tick the box relevant to your business. * Required
Response required.
Is the project profit making in nature? * Required


Are you partnering with eligible Auspice organisation?

Auspice Eligibility (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Are you partnering with eligible Auspice organisation?" on page 1

Please confirm your Auspice Organisation is one of the following: * Required
Response required.

Ineligible Auspice (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Please confirm your Auspice Organisation is one of the following:" on page 1

Your Auspice Organisation is ineligible or  your decision needs to be reviewed

Your Auspice Organisation must be not-for-profit and one of the following types:

  • an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Corporation registered under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (Cth)
  • a company incorporated in Australia under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)
  • a Local Aboriginal Land Council under the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 (NSW)
  • an Incorporated Association (incorporated under state legislation, and commonly have ‘Association’ or ‘Incorporated’ or ‘Inc’ in their legal name)
  • an Incorporated Cooperative (incorporated under state legislation, and commonly have ’Cooperative’ in their legal name)
  • an incorporated trustee on behalf of a trust

Ineligible (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to questions:

  • "To confirm eligibility, please tick the box relevant to your business." on page 1
  • "Is the project profit making in nature?" on page 1
  • "To confirm eligibility, please tick the box relevant to your business." on page 1
  • "Is the project profit making in nature?" on page 1
  • "To confirm eligibility, please tick the box relevant to your business." on page 1

Based on your responses you are NOT eligible to apply for a cultural grant

Please review the program guidelines and contact your nearest AANSW Regional Office for support.

Please DO NOT proceed or submit this application unless it is eligible.